The St. Croix–Red Cedar Cooperative Weed Management Area (SC-RC CWMA) is a collaborative of invasive species managers, coordinated by the Wild Rivers Conservancy, that includes county governments, Wisconsin state agencies, federal agencies, private landowners, and nonprofits. The SC-RC CWMA work area encompasses over 4,118 square miles across St. Croix, Polk, Barron, Washburn, and Burnett Counties. It is dedicated to fostering multi-generational awareness of invasive species and using partnerships to prevent and limit the intrusive impacts of those invasive species.
Together, the SC-RC CWMA partners work to develop and implement regional plans, strategies, and approaches to effectively manage terrestrial invasive species across the landscape, as well as to educate key stakeholder groups to promote on-the-ground identification, prevention, and control of terrestrial invasive species.
The SC-RC CWMA operates according to a memorandum of understanding and works to accomplish actions in its Strategic Management Plan and annual work plan. Participation in the SC-RC CWMA helps to build regional capacity to face the threats posed by terrestrial invasive species and ensure continued collaborative efforts to promote and maintain healthy habitats, communities, and economies across the landscape.
If you are interested in getting involved with the SC-RC CWMA or want to learn more about terrestrial invasive species, please email us or call: 715-483-3300