In 2016, the Wild Rivers Conservancy developed an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Strategic Plan to address AIS threats and impacts within the St. Croix and its watershed. Although the states of Minnesota and Wisconsin as well as many of the counties within the St. Croix watershed already have AIS Strategic Plans, those plans are all restricted by political boundaries, and there has been no plan that is specific and tailored to the basin itself. This AIS Strategic Plan addresses the entire St. Croix watershed, and is designed to meet the needs and goals of everyone who lives, works, and recreates within the basin.
Current stakeholders involved in implementing this Strategic Plan include the National Park Service, many of the counties in the watershed, the Wisconsin DNR, the Minnesota DNR, and local lake organizations, among many others. The Strategic Plan will be updated by the end of 2022 in partnership with these stakeholders.
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St. Croix River Basin
AIS Strategic Plan

For more information, please contact Maria Young, Invasive Species Coordinator, or call: 715-483-3300