Arcola Bluffs Restoration
The Wild Rivers Conservancy has partnered with the National Park Service to restore native vegetation on a 165 acre parcel along the St. Croix River just north of Stillwater. This site, called Arcola Bluffs, has a history of disturbance that has led to significant infestation of invasive species, specifically common buckthorn and tartarian honeysuckle. The overall goal of the project is to restore and preserve native habitat types within the site. The project is supported through the Minnesota Department of Natural Resource’s Conservation Partners Legacy grant program.
The project is in its third full year and has accomplished a significant reduction in invasive species, through a combination of mechanical and chemical removal, as well as the replanting of native trees and forbs.

Year One

Year Two

Karner Blue Butterfly Assisted Migration
The Glacial Lake Grantsburg Wildlife Management Complex consists of three wildlife properties encompassing nearly 54,000 acres. Within this area, Crex Meadows and Fish Lake wildlife areas have been chosen as federal recovery sites for the endangered Karner Blue Butterfly. The Wild Rivers Conservancy has partnered with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to accelerate the restoration and management of oak savanna and grassland, which the Karner Blue Butterflies require to increase in abundance. Through a combination of mechanical and chemical brush control, and restoration of grassland habitat, this project will provide the necessary habitat for the Karner Blue Butterfly to thrive.
This project is in full swing with restoration activities occurring through the end of 2020.

For more information, please contact our Natural Resources Manager, 715-483-3300