A very hungry beetle...
and you.
Welcome to wild science. A community-focused, data-driven approach to purple loosestrife management. Brought to you by the Wild Rivers Conservancy.

The solution to invasive species control starts in your backyard.
Become a volunteer scientist and raise, rear, and release biocontrol beetles in areas of heavy purple loosestrife populations. You will be rewarded by helping restore healthy native habitats. Help create a more vigorous native plant community within the St. Croix River watershed, protecting the natural areas you know and love.
Thank you for your interest, applications are now closed. Selected volunteers will be notified by Friday, March 21st.
Please join our e-newsletter to be updated on volunteer opportunities.
Getting Started As A Beetle Parent

Eligibility Requirements
Must live within the Minnesota portion of the St. Croix River watershed. Not a MN resident? Let's connect.
Must have personal outdoor space that can accommodate the rearing cage throughout the beetle-raising process.
Must report volunteer hours served each month.
Must attend a required training to learn about rearing cage setup, data collection protocols, and reporting on May 3rd or 10th.
Must be able to follow all directions and standard operating procedures, and perform assigned tasks.
Must be able to submit weekly reports through in-person drop-off or by completing an online form.
2023 to 2024 Biocontrol Program Successes
Key 2025 Dates

Purple Loosestrife Rootstock Digging
Friday, May 2nd
Volunteers will help dig and repot purple loosestrife for use in biocontrol project, not required to attend to help raise the beetles

Beetle-Raiser Volunteer Training
Saturday, May 3rd and Saturday, May 10th
Required training for volunteers participating in raising beetles, learn about project set-up and weekly duties, volunteers will receive kits

Conservancy Beetle Release Day
2025 Beetle Release Date TBD
Planned mass release day to release beetles raised to purple loosestrife infested areas within the St. Croix River watershed.
Frequently Asked Questions
Volunteer Science Resources

Maria Young, Invasive Species Coordinator
715.483.3300 ex 21